Welcome to Thantyr – Cover Reveal for The Opseti Guard

Welcome to Thantyr


Map designed by Ellie Mack

As the southernmost region of Nebeth, Thantyr is known for being the home of the dragon council themselves. The Treaty of Dragons series follows a group called The Opseti Guard through their journey to renew the bonds between dragons and humans alike.

In the first installment to the nine-book series, you see not only the fall of the beloved dragon council but the creation of The Opseti Guard themselves. You are taken on a journey of friendship and defining adventures. They learn not only to work as a team, but how what their own strengths are. You will see how they grow through the hardships that they face as well.

So, with that in mind, welcome to Thantyr.

May you always find joy in the journey, even when it is hard.

The first novel along this journey is, The Opseti Guard

Today, I get the honor to bring to you for the first time –  The cover reveal for The Opseti Guard!


Title: The Opseti Guard

Series: Treaty of Dragons

Author name: Misty Harvey

Date of release: February 28th, 2019

Genre: YA Fantasy

Pages: 320 pages

Cover artist: Shannon Nemechek@ Nemo Designs.

Editor: Tricia Drammeh @ Triciadrammeh.com

Map Designer: Ellie Mack @ quotidiandose.wordpress.com



The Treaty of Dragons is in danger.

Dragon after dragon are showing up in the infirmary injured to the point of near death. Their supposed valiant riders are claiming it as nothing more than battle wounds. During a time when Thantyr seems at peace, this draws more than a little attention. Especially, when a healer named Renna Alder can connect to the dragons on a deeper level. She sees flashes and bits of what they’ve been through and it sends her into a rage.

No longer able to sit by idly and accept that all they can do is fight to keep the dragons alive, she disguises herself as a transfer student named Elas. Under this pretext, she joins the dragon rider school to investigate what really is happening to these dragons. However, what she discovers is something far darker and more sinister than she ever could imagine.

Can Renna find a way to save the dragons before she falls to a similar fate? Or has she discovered more than she can handle?

You can preorder HERE

Meet Misty:

Misty Harvey loves writing spine-tingling horror or dark fantasy novels sure to thrill readers. The psychology behind such tales has always been a fascination for her since she was younger. Even to the point that she once contemplated taking up psychology as a profession. Still, her love resides in the art of storytelling. An art she wishes to continue to share with readers for the rest of her days.

After climbing out of her writing cave and searching the house for the sound of the latest creak or pop, Misty can be found doing one of many things. Often, she spends the remainder of her day with her amazingly supportive husband and youngest daughter. While she has two older children that are out there spreading their wings around the world, including giving her a few grandchildren.

Her favorite things to do when not writing are crafts, wrestling with her dog, avoiding her cat’s bite or generally making her husband and daughter crazy. Often, she can be found creating vivid tales with her daughter about whatever mundane thing happened in their day and turning it into a crazy story. She is also an avid gamer, crochet goddess (we shall pretend there), domestic queen, and animal tamer (it’s a work in progress).

You can stalk Misty here:

Facebook: AuthorMistyHarvey

Twitter: @AuthorMDHarvey

Her website: WWW: Mistyharvey.com

Instagram: @authormdharvey


Other Books Sold by Misty:

Chick Lit Flash Fiction:

A Flashy and Frosty Christmas Charity Anthology

Psychological Thriller/Horror:

Malevolent Mind

Soul Reaper

Make sure you preorder your copy of Opseti Guard, and check out her other books. Congratulations Misty Harvey! It was an honor to create your world on a map for you!

Write on my friends, write on!


I promised you something new and exciting today, well . . . here it is!









I am proud to unveil my latest book cover for Break Line novella!


Former Marine Nathan Fletcher had to get away. Everything was crumbling under the constant pressures of coping with PTSD, and he had to regain control. When opportunity knocked to relocate to paradise, he couldn’t pass it up. He had it all – paradise, family, and the career of his dreams. Nathan even had the best therapy in the world: the ocean. His life was perfect.

Tragedy strikes, taking more than his leg with it. His confidence is shattered leaving fear in its place. If it weren’t for his cousin and new best friend Kai, he might give in to the demons of his past and present.

Fate seems to be mocking the once cocky marine when a petite Hawaiian beauty becomes his physical therapist. She pushes all his buttons ten ways to Sunday! Nathan is torn between irritation with Kini Okana, and his desire for her.

Can Kai and Kini help him overcome the trauma that has turned his world upside down, or will Nathan let the tragedy rob him of his future dreams?

 **Will be available on Kindle Unlimited. 

The release date is January 2, 2019 – my birthday!

OKay, are you ready for the cover?  You got a tiny preview up above,

so here it is!

You can find me at:
A huge thank you to Lip Service PR!!
Lip Services PR
@Lip Services PR
Write on my friends, write on!

Cover Reveal: A Flashy & Frosty Christmas Charity Anthology




RELEASE DATE: 11/16/2018













Fifteen multi-genre authors came together to celebrate the season and to give to charity. Twenty-three flash fiction stories inspired by Christmas songs we all know and love. Join them as they spin their heartwarming tales.



Tricia Anderson

Nina Valdez

Linda Greene

Sophie Wootton

Carol Gyzander

Cindy Webb

Shellie Brown

Teel James Glenn

Mai Jagyar

Maria Vickers

Ellie Mack

Timothy Lee

Miranda Lynn

Misty Harvey

Tracy Broehmmer


Lip Services PR


Preorder yours now:

A Flashy & Frosty Christmas

Write on my friends, write on!

Cover Reveal: The Awakening

I am so excited I can hardly contain myself.

Today I get to share with you the official cover for

The Awakening: Book 1 of the Valkyrie’s Curse series!



Are you ready?


Available for Preorder NOW on Amazon

Release date – June 20, 2018

Link: The Awakening

I think Shannon at Nemo’s Designs did an amazing job! Thank you Shannon!!!!

My cover model is Savanna Rundel. She will be the model for the entire series.

I”d like to get them all done now,  but $$$$$$.

Patience –  have to learn some.


Helena Eskildson is obsessed with Vikings and Norse Mythology. Neither Helena nor her sister knows they are Freya’s daughters – Valkyries, the shield maidens to Odin.
When her obsession leads her to a remote site at Roskilde and it’s two monolithic rune stones, her destiny is awakened.
While the team wages a battle between a cursed site and a sociopathic killer, time is ticking closer to Ragnarok.
Will her friends be able to save her before the gjallerhorn sounds?


Do you want a little sneak preview? I’ve been sharing snippets on Sundays WEWRIWA of this soon to be released book! 


He felt he had the favor of the Norns, the three goddesses associated with destiny, that were akin to the Greek gods of fate.

Having the favor of the gods meant success in his goals. He was destined to be Lif, the last man standing, the lone man that would repopulate the earth after Ragnarok. In essence, he would become the new Adam.

The rituals were necessary, an integral part of the process before using the key. Unfolding the linen handkerchief carefully, the ancient bronze key looked nothing like what most would think of as a key. A circular piece, about six inches in diameter spanned from his thumb to the tip of his middle finger. Runic writings along the outside edge written within the form of the great serpent Jormungand, the great dragon conquering the gripping animal grouping in a circular band about two inches wide, the design in the eternal triskell pattern. Inside of that, written in runes was the location of the gjallerhorn. At the center were nine swords pointing to an amber stone, nine strands over an open area, the stone center raised with a square notch in the back. It had to be positioned precisely at the solstice.



Helena dreamed of flying. In the past, it seemed that she miraculously flew, but in this dream she had wings. Great wings with silvery white feathers that shimmered in the sun’s rays. Her hair shone in brilliant golden hues. Her skin had a radiance from within, her cheeks rosy, her lips full. She felt an inner beauty and confidence that although unfamiliar fit her perfectly like a glove. She rose into the air, watching the warriors below.

Brave men poured from a hidden passage into the courtyard. Moving with quiet stealth, they moved to stations waiting for a signal from the leader.

Her eyes scanned the scene, watching. Which one was the leader? Then with a quick raise of his hand, the men advance with a great war cry. Waiting, observing the men working as a unit together to accomplish a greater goal. This would please Odin!

A young man poked his head from the tunnel, then ducked back inside. A few seconds later he darted across the courtyard to a smaller building. Drawing his sword he entered.

She dropped lower, so she could see inside, seeing a large wooden cabinet and another man fleeing. The young man approached the cabinet, searched it and found it empty, then pursued the other man.

The encounter was brief, easily taking the treasure from the thief. Confidence flooded over her. At last, a worthy warrior to claim.


 That’s right,  it’s ME!!!

Author Bio:

Since leaving the corporate world for the title of MOM, Ellie Mack has pursued her writing dreams. This former columnist is using her sassy opinions to shape her writing in novels. She lives near St. Louis, MO with her husband and two daughters. Ellie is a breast cancer survivor and wants to encourage others who are going through this battle.

When she’s not writing she can be found bullet journaling, crocheting, or cooking. You can find her musings on her blog: https://quotidiandose.wordpress.com



Red Wine & Roses

Quotidiandose: 30 Days of Sass

Roxy Sings the Blues

Tempting Fate: Charity anthology


Follow my Amazon Author page – Ellie Mack author 

Follow me on BookBub It’s fun and easy, and you’ll never miss out on meeting new authors or having a chance to win great prizes. Here’s the link – Ellie Mack
Follow me on Goodreads – Ellie Mack
Facebook  Ellie Mack author

Twitter- @Mack_Ellie

Pinterest- Ellie Mack

My blog- Quotidiandose  You’re already here!

Be sure to order yours now!

I’m so excited!! SQUEEEEEEE!

Write on my friends, write on!

Love For All Seasons

Greetings! I have another release to share with you! This one includes two of my favorite ladies in my chatty chicks morning sprint group.

(Morning sprint group: individuals who meet online for a set amount of time (length of time varies) and write while drinking coffee, or in Emily’s case cocoa.

Drumrolll please!  * buzz your tongue like the wife in Christmas vacation waiting forChevy Chase to  plug in the lights*

Love for all Seasons

Love stories for all seasons.

RJ Scott brings authors together in an MM anthology that reveals true love always deserves a happy ending, whatever the season.

With characters who find love in a New York park, or on a college campus, in the middle of a snowstorm or in the heat of summer, ‘Love for all Seasons’ delivers romance for everyone.



Including stories from three authors, new to the world of writing MM romance.





This is a charity anthology with all proceeds going to The Albert Kennedy Trust https://www.akt.org.uk/ ,

and The Matthew Shepard Foundation  https://www.matthewshepard.org/.


The price is  $2.99 with all proceeds going to the above charities.



RJ Scott – The Last Chance

V.L. Locey – Brioche for Two

Annabelle Jacobs – Beach Boys

Chris McHart – Favorite Flowers

DJ Jamison – Special Nights

Cathy Brockman – Winter’s Chill

EJ Smyth – Who do you love, My Valentine

CM Valencourt – Sweeter than Honey



UNIVERSAL BUY LINK – www.books2read.com/LoveSeasons

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C81TYH6

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/816746

Barnes and Noble: to follow…

Kobo: to follow…

iBooks: to follow…



 Love for all Seasons, anthology

RJ Scott – The Last Chance www.rjscott.co.uk | rj@rjscott.co.uk | twitter.com/Rjscott_author | instagram.com/rjscott_author | bookbub.com/authors/rj-scott | pinterest.com/rjscottauthor

V.L. Locey – Brioche for Twohttp://tinyurl.com/ksul5rs  | facebook.com/pages/VL-Locey/124405447678452 | pinterest.com/vllocey | goodreads.com/author/show/5807700.V_L_Locey  | http://thoughtsfromayodelinggoatherder.blogspot.com/

Annabelle Jacobs – Beach Boys – http://www.annabellejacobs.com | mailto:ajacobsfiction@gmail.com | facebook.com/ajacobsfiction | bookbub.com/authors/annabelle-jacobs |

Chris McHart – Favorite Flowershttps://chrismchart.com | ChrisMcHart@gmail.com | facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008256641886 | twitter.com/ChrisMchart | amazon.com/Chris-McHart/e/B00PDRNXP4 | goodreads.com/author/show/9832555.Chris_McHart | https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Chris2McHart

DJ Jamison – Special Nights – mailto:authordjjamison@gmail.com | bookbub.com/authors/dj-jamison | amazon.com/DJ-Jamison/e/B0141MML1S | goodreads.com/DJ_Jamison |www.tinyurl.com/djandcompany |facebook.com/AuthorDJJamison | http://www.readingdj.com | https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/DJjamison

Cathy Brockman – Winters Chillhttp://cathybrockman.com | twitter.com/Cathy_Brockman | goodreads.com/author/show/6427897.Cathy_Brockman | amazon.com/-/e/B007BPYWJC | facebook.com/cathybrockmanromancesi

EJ Smyth – Who do you love, My Valentinewww.ejsmythauthor.com | facebook.com/ejsmythauthor | twitter.com/ejsmythauthor | pinterest.com/ejsmythauthor |https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/EJSmyth

CM Valencourt – Sweeter than Honey facebook.com/cmvalencourt | twitter.com/cmvalencourt

Who doesn’t love some romance, right?

Write on my friends, write on!



Cover Reveal for Tempting Fate Anthology

It’s here, it’s finally here!  I’m so excited to share this with everyone!

Drumroll please . . . .

An amazing line up of authors with unique stories. Guaranteed to bring the feels! Put this on your to be read list NOW!











Isn’t that awesome! The release date is June 1st! Mark your calendars now!

Or better yet,  go preorder yours now!

Tempting Fate Anthology

for charity: Cancer Research Institute.

Here’s a little teaser from my story Break Line.

The sun rose behind him, casting a golden glow over the water. Nathan breathed in the salt air, absorbing the bit of warmth the sun offered to his back. As he munched on his protein bar, his oxygen leveled out. He had dreamed of this life since he was a child. Now he had the perfect job at the University of Hawaii as a professor, living in paradise, and reconnecting to his mother’s side of the family. As soon as the paperwork went through, he’d have his daughters with him, and it would be perfect. Oklahoma was nice, but he was glad to get out of the small town. There were simply too many painful memories and too many stressors.

He stuffed the wrapper inside his wetsuit, turned towards shore, and paddled to catch the clean wave that was coming up behind him. He could do this! Kai would see that he was ready to graduate.

‘I got this,’ he thought as he jumped up, his feet tucked under him in a crouching position, his hands still on the board.

Suddenly, his entire body rocked on the board. He tried his best to hang on, but inevitably, he wiped out and sank beneath the waves. A deep burning pain radiated from the center of his left thigh.

‘What the hell?’ He felt like a Mack truck had hit him.

Nathan came up gasping for air, pulling on the leg rope attached to his board. When he grabbed his board, there was a huge chunk gone. Perfectly round teeth marks around the part of board that was removed. Instant fear gripped his chest.

The sun was high enough now to see colors and Nathan was in a deep crimson pool. He reached down to what was left of his leg, his heart pounding as he saw the torn flesh.

‘Got to get to shore.’ He struggled to pull himself on top of the board, paddling towards the beach as another wave crashed over him. He came up gasping. Every second was crucial. With every ounce of strength he had, he hauled his body on top of his board, focusing on the back of his SUV. Nathan stroked his arms towards shore.

He saw a fin, then another. His heart pounded in his chest.

‘Don’t panic, just swim.” He swallowed hard. No! He couldn’t go out like this! He had survived combat. He had survived twelve firestorms, sniper’s bullets, and landmines.

He had to make it to shore.

Left, right. He was losing strength.

Left, Right. Left, right. He felt weak and cold. Nate could barely move his arms. Another wave, he clasped tightly to the board, just a little further. He forced himself forward.

Left, right . . . blackness overtook Nathan Fletcher.


Ex-marine Nathan Fletcher had to get away. Everything was crumbling under the constant pressures of coping with PTSD and he had to regain control. When opportunity knocked to relocate to paradise, he couldn’t pass it up. He had it all – paradise, family, and the career of his dreams. Nathan even had the best therapy in the world, the ocean. His life was perfect.

Tragedy strikes, taking more than his leg with it. His confidence is shattered leaving fear in its place. If it weren’t for his cousin and new best friend Kai, he might give in to the demons of his past and present.

Fate seems to be mocking the once cocky marine when a petite Hawaiian beauty becomes his physical therapist. She pushes all his buttons ten ways to Sunday! Nathan is torn between irritation with Kini Okana, and his desires for her.

Can Kai and Kini help him overcome the trauma that has turned his world upside down or will Nathan let the tragedy rob him of his future dreams?

Aren’t you excited? I’m excited! I’m extremely excited!

Write on my friends, and get your copy ordered today.


Protected By His Grace

‘Tis the season for releases! 

Today I get the privilege of sharing with you the latest by my friend, Grace Augustine!


Rev. James Turner takes his job seriously. As pastor of Lindenport Christian Church, he makes sure his congregation are spiritually fed and that their needs are met, especially during the holidays.

Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas Eve services are a mainstay to the Christian faith. At Lindenport Christian Church, it’s no different. The Thanksgiving community dinner and decorating committees have the church decked out for the holidays.

Pastor James’ faith is challenged when a beautiful female parishioner confides in him about her past, putting both and their loved ones in danger.

The magical beauty and wonder of Christmas Eve is a perfect backdrop for remembering God’s continued protection through adversity.

Are you ready to see this beauty?


I can already see this one as a Hallmark movie!

Universal book link:

Books2Read Universal Link: https://www.books2read.com/u/478xYE

Amazon link isn’t available yet, but Ill keep you updated.



PROTECTED BY HIS GRACE                                                                                   By Grace Augustine

Jaden McAdam has a secret, one few people know. After witnessing a murder ten years earlier, she moved to the oceanside community of Lindenport to start over. Her business savvy, positive attitude, and property knowledge makes her the best real estate agent in the area.

James Turner was called to pastor the Lindenport Christian Church three years ago. One of his parishioners confides in him about her life in the witness protection program and the testimony that puts the murderer, Jerome “The Crow” Bolcan, behind bars for life. Or so she thinks.

Jaden is faced with the reality of a mistrial, falling in love with the pastor of her church, and tossed in the middle of new evidence that puts her and everyone around her in danger.

Faith is tested as God provides protection for all involved during this dangerous, magical, mystical Christmas.

Author Bio:

Editor and award winning novelist, Grace Augustine, grew up in Montana. Her work career has taken her from title and abstracting to administrative assistant church work to co-owning a small town weekly newspaper to her current profession as a floral designer/jewelry designer/writer.

Grace thinks of herself as a “Jill” of most trades and is not afraid to learn new things. “If you can’t learn something new each day, there’s something wrong,” she says.

The ideas for her Acorn Hills series stem from her growing up years as well as the issues she has had to overcome along the way. “I’ve developed a new romance category…for the over 50 crowd…I’m calling it the salt and pepper genre. My books deal with real life issues, overcoming adversity, maintaining a positive outlook, and so much more. Just because we are 50 yrs old or older doesn’t mean that life stops. We all still want attention and affection and adventure! We want to experience all life has to offer. We use our age as wisdom to share with those around us. We are sexual, sensual, and sensible,” Grace explains.

Augustine was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in July of 2003. Her thoughts on that “It may slow me down, but if I can at all do it, I will. Sitting and feeling sorry for yourself isn’t the answer…living your life with an open, joy-filled heart is.”

Romance with a Touch of Grace


OTHER BOOKS BY Grace Augustine can be found on her Amazon author page:

Grace Augustine


Say Hello to Roxy!

I am so excited to reveal my new book I can hardly contain myself! 

It’s here – it’s finally here!


Scars tell the story of a past. Roxy’s scars aren’t visible but they have carved her deeply and the pain they caused pours out through her music. If facing an uncertain future after losing the most important people in her life wasn’t enough, a failed relationship from the past returns to wreak havoc. Just when she was trying to build a new life for herself, the troublemaking ex Devon drags her into danger. Roxy sits in the spotlight of a pivotal investigation. Detective Devon Miller is hot on the case and stirring the embers of forbidden fires.

Will Roxy hit the right note to help her old flame solve the case in time or will she be left singing the blues?

Don’t you want to read it right now?

Are you ready to see this beauty?

To be Released September 14th!

Buy Links:

Will post them as soon as I get them. Amazon and I are having some issues.  I’m claiming residual chemo brain.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 

OK, folks here it is:


You want to read a little excerpt?

 Excerpt 1:

One phone call can change your life forever.

I’ve heard it said many times and I get it. If you are a ball player waiting for that call to the majors or if you are waiting for the call that you got that job you were hoping to land. I always thought however, that most people are just being overly dramatic and using that as a cliché’ statement.

What if you didn’t get this job, but instead got a call from a different company that ended up being a better job? What if, as a ball player you never get called to the majors but stayed in the minor leagues and ended up being a top-notch coach? What if that call was the worst thing that could happen?

It’s always been my view that there are multiple paths that our lives could take. There are numerous opportunities presented to us and that one phone call bit was a bunch of hogwash.

Until today.

Until I received the phone call that without a doubt, changed my life forever.


Because I am feeling so generous today, here’s a bonus

Excerpt 2:

“Detective Miller, Detective Alvarez.”

Devon Miller nodded in acknowledgment. He hated these calls. He hated seeing veterans in the homeless shelter. It never made sense to him. “What have we got?”

“Two males. Looks like meth heads, but we need to find out what is going on. This is the fourth time this month that homeless guys have shown up dead. I am putting you two on the case. Check with Dickerson in narcotics, see if he has any leads.” Seargent Brenner stood from his crouching position next to the bodies, flipping the body bag back over the victim’s face. “I want to know what they are taking, who they are buying from, what the cause of death was. I want a full tox screen and have Simmons report anything out of the order. Anything! Talk to some of the regulars at the shelter up the street.” He tucked his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket, eyes downcast to the ground. Hesitating as if he wanted to add something more, but then changing his mind. He added, “I want reports on my desk in the morning.”

Devon watched him walk away before bending to examine the body. He reached for a discarded straw in the pile of trash that the first body lay in. Using the straw, he opened the vics mouth, checking for missing teeth, foaming, anything. “Still got his teeth. That’s something.”

Alvarez stood with his hands shoved into his jacket. “This kid is too young to be here.”  He bent swiping the hair out of the eyes of the second body. “Both of them are. I’d lay odds that test results are going to be the same as the last guys. I think our best bet is going to be Dickerson. See if he knows who’s dealing the designer drugs down here and find out how bums can afford it.”



Author Bio:

Ellie Mack received her BS in cartography from Southeast Missouri State University. Since leaving the corporate world for the title of MOM, she has pursued her writing dreams. Nowadays Ellie charts unmapped territory through her fiction and humor writing. Formerly a columnist for a local paper, her weekly column received a lot of attention. She lives near St. Louis, MO with her husband of 32 years and their college aged daughters. When she’s not writing she can be found bullet journaling, crocheting, or cooking.

You can find her musings on her blog: https://quotidiandose.wordpress.com

If you’re reading this you’re already here!


Facebook  Ellie Mack author

Twitter- @Mack_Ellie

Pinterest- Ellie Mack

My blog- Quotidiandose



Red Wine & Roses

Quotidiandose: 30 Days of Sass