Going for the Obvious

Welcome to my blog!


For the month of June, I will be posting Definition.  You may learn more about me than you ever wanted to know!









The first week is defining moments.

de·fin·ing mo·ment

plural noun: defining moments
          an event that typifies or determines all subsequently related occurrences.

DAY 2 – Birth of my Children

Hence the blog title –  going for the obvious.

For most of the women I know,  once they have given birth to a child, or even adopted parents, their lives have forever been changed.

I no longer was a reckless daredevil doing ridiculously stupid things for fun.  My leadfoot eased up. I thought in terms of my kids, not me.

Unless you’ve experienced it,  it’s hard to describe how you could possibly love that squalling little person with scrunched eyes, no hair, and no teeth.

From the moment of birth I became insignificant and it became all about the children.  Yes, I was one of those moms who neglected myself but really, I don’t see how anyone doesn’t. Aside from the physical exhaustion of raising children, from the moment they let me hold my babies something changed inside me.  I would die for these kids.  I would kill anyone who ever tried to harm them.  I would move heaven and earth on their behalf or die trying.

Talk about a protective mama bear,  that was me.  I still am to some degree but they are grown now. I’m still willing to go to jail if anyone tries to hurt them.

I’ve grown in ways that I can’t even explain by having to become responsible for two tiny people that in the beginning were completely dependent upon me. I”m sorry but animals are not the same. Yes, we still love them unconditionally,  but it’s nowhere close to your children.

Yes, it’s a cliche thing but I’m willing to be that the vast majority of women would say the same thing –   you’re never the same after having a child. I’d say it changes us for the good as well.

Anyway, leave a comment if you’re a mom and you feel the same way or are expecting and anxious about how your life is going to change. OH and BTW, dad’s are forever transformed as well but since I’m not the dad, . . . can’t tell you exactly how that feels.

Write on my friends, write on!

Kick Off – 30 Days of Definition!

WElcome to my blog!

I’ve been doing the MFRW blog hop for a while, kind of hit or miss.  I’ve tried to get back onto the WEWRIWA Sunday Snippets, mostly off. Things have been hectic and overwhelming lately, so of course, I decided to do a new thing!

For the month of June, I will be posting Definition.









The first week is defining moments.

de·fin·ing mo·ment

plural noun: defining moments
          an event that typifies or determines all subsequently related occurrences.

A defining moment is a point in your life when you’re urged to make a pivotal decision, or when you experience something that fundamentally changes you. Not only do these moments define us, but they have a transformative effect on our perceptions and behaviors.

DAY 1 – Change of Major

We have to get into the Wayback machine and go back to 1984 or ’85.   It was the middle of the fall semester. I greatly enjoyed the forensics classes. I had Human osteology –  the study of human skeletal remains,  Forensic procedures – a rather gruesome this is how we do it class, and forensic studies reconstruction techniques.

Gorky Park was a huge hit at the time and it featured facial reconstruction techniques before all the computerized aids. Part of the class was attending autopsies to observe, note, and learn from the medical examiner’s actions and conclusions.

I was fine with the first two autopsies.  The third autopsy, however,  just after fall break, was another story. This was the first one that the medical examiner cut open the skull to examine brain tissue. It was determined that the victim had Alzheimer’s.

I gagged.  The smell was so incredibly bad. Who knew our brains could stink so foul! Bear in mind that this wasn’t fresh dead either,  this was a guy who’s remains were found in the woods about four weeks after disappearing in August in the bootheel of Missouri.

It was then that I decided that being the social person that I am, remember one of my nicknames was party princess, I came to the conclusion that I needed living people to talk to, not corpses.

I changed my major before the end of the semester and didn’t take another archaeology class or forensics class. I already had enough for a minor, well more than enough for a minor. I was only missing twelve hours to complete my major plus nine hours of foreign language.

I”m glad I came to that defining moment when I did or I would have been one of those quacks that talk to dead corpses. EWWWWWWWW!

Honestly, most of the procedural parts didn’t gross me out prior to that autopsy. But it really made me question the path I was on which led to the conclusion that working the morgue was not for me.

Although, . . . the experience could have made for some really creepy horror stories and I would have had a captive audience so to speak.


Anyway, leave a comment if you aren’t freaked out by my defining moment. Leave one if you are – telling me that you’re freaked out.

WRite on my friends, write on!