WWW -Blood Key Snippet – Ellie Mack


November is NANOWRIMO, (National novel writing month) I thought it only fair to share some snippets from that. After all, this is my current WIP.

Weekend Writing Warriors.


It’s simple and fun. Sign up on the linky list with your name, blog url, and email address on Mondays, 8:00 AM EST. Each week, the list remains open until Saturday, 11:59 PM. Then on Sunday, post 8 to 10 sentences from a current writing project, published or unpublished. Visit other participants and offer opinions, critiques, support. Writers hanging out with writers, a good time with a great group of people.
8 sentences –  I can manage that, can’t I?  That sounded like a challenge and I was off!
Yes, it’s late in the year but what the heck! Maybe this will turn into a regular thing.  I ‘ve been thinking I should share more snippets anyway. Keep in mind, this is truly a first draft. So here goes! This is from the Prologue:

He clasped Raelynn’s hand, memorizing the soft delicate features of his own flesh and blood before he pulled up the ottoman in front of her. He clasped her hand again. “I” the words caught in his throat as the sense of urgency heightened in his senses. “The trial went poorly. Brogann has set things in motion that may mean war for our realm. Because of his crimes, you and the child are in danger. I have to get you away from here right now. Are you able to travel?”



The title of this one is called The Blood Key. It is going to be a novella from my Fae series that I’ve been working on for some time now.  This one is hopefully going into a paranormal fantasy anthology – fingers crossed that I make the cut!

Be sure to check out the other author’s snippets as well!
Write on my friends, write on!