The Blood Key – NANO WIP

November is NANOWRIMO, (National novel writing month) I thought it only fair to share some snippets from that. After all, this is my current WIP.

Weekend Writing Warriors.


It’s simple and fun. Sign up for the linky list with your name, blog URL, and email address on Mondays, 8:00 AM EST. Each week, the list remains open until Saturday, 11:59 PM. Then on Sunday, post 8 to 10 sentences from a current writing project, published or unpublished. Visit other participants and offer opinions, critiques, support. Writers hanging out with writers, a good time with a great group of people.
 This was supposed to post last Sunday on November 26th, but I was locked out of my WordPress account. It took me until Thursday to get it fixed. Technology can be a wonderful thing and it can be a horrible thing. This week my vote goes for horrible.
8 sentences –  I can manage that, can’t I?  That sounded like a challenge and I was off!
Yes, it’s late in the year but what the heck! Maybe this will turn into a regular thing.  I ‘ve been thinking I should share more snippets anyway. Keep in mind, this is truly a first draft. So here goes! This snippet is from Chapter 1.

“How soon will you take the vows?” Dune walked with his friend down the cobblestone walkway towards the divide where the barracks were on the left path and the officer’s quarters were on the right. Grimm’s new cottage was three doors past his own. He envied Grimm in finding a mate. His last venture into a match was dreadful. So much so, he’d resigned himself to temple prostitutes and Bang, which was a club where people could go to explore whatever dalliance they desired.

“I plan to make arrangements in the temple just as soon as she accepts me.”

“I see no reason why she wouldn’t.  I saw the way she was looking at you at court after the trial.”  Dune patted him on the shoulder then turned towards his own cottage.  “Nearly a done deal already.”


The title of this one is called The Blood Key. It is going to be a novella from my Fae series that I’ve been working on for some time now.  This one is hopefully going into a paranormal fantasy anthology – fingers crossed that I make the cut!

Be sure to check out the other author’s snippets as well!
Write on my friends, write on!

9 comments on “The Blood Key – NANO WIP

  1. “Bang” — that’s an honest, if rather bald, name for a club. Also, if you’re wondering why you haven’t gotten more traffic from this post, your Linky URL is wrong. Technology strikes again!


  2. I’ve got a feeling that deal may not be as “done” as he thinks!

    Your link on the wewriwa linky list has been fixed, but you should know that the wewriwa widget on your sidebar links to something else. I’ve had days where I hate technology more than I like it!



    • Thank you for letting me know. I swear, these past few weeks technology is against me! I was locked out of my blog for a while, and all the posts that were scheduled did not post, and then when they did – links were broken. ARRRRGGGGHH!


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